Read Academy is not just a school, we are a focal point for the betterment of the community.

Our outreach includes:

  •  Community Links

At Read Academy, we believe that community links are essential in the growth, development and wellbeing of all of our pupils. Links with our community helps us to build relationships with groups and individuals who will provide positive role models for our pupils. As our pupils grow older, we encourage them to increase their involvement within the wider community by supporting local initiatives, foodbanks, volunteering, donating their money and time to charities and welfare institutions.

  • Serving Humanity – Serving communities of all faiths

Read Academy supports Serving Humanity –  a UK-based not-for-profit organisation who support vulnerable members in our societies – both nationally and internationally,  providing humanitarian support and access to: water, provision of shelter, clothing, medical treatments, nutritional meals, food parcels, educational materials, emergency aid as well as awareness and support of a variety of innovative and unique projects with particular focus on development.