Read Academy’s prevent statement on preventing radicalisation, extremism and terrorism
The purpose of Read Academy’s Prevent Strategy is to protect students from harm and to ensure that they are taught in a way that is consistent with the law and British values.
Staff at Read Academy have a legal duty to be familiar with all information listed below as it is an expectation of the school that all staff engage with PREVENT and minimise the chances of any of our students becoming radicalised.
All schools have a legal duty to educate students about extremist behaviour and to report any concerns about students who may be at risk of radicalisation.
This could (but is not limited to) include the following:
x Engaging with Islamic fundamentalists or their ideals (ISIL, Al Qaeeda etc) x Extreme political views (white supremacy, anti-Semitism etc)
x Visits to countries deemed high risk by the UK government.
x Accessing websites / social media linked to extremist organisations x Views or behaviour that are contrary to British Values.
Recognising Signs of Radicalisation:
The following could describe general teenage behaviour but together with other signs may mean the young person is being radicalised:
x out of character changes in dress, behaviour and changes in their friendship group
x losing interest in previous activities and friendships
x secretive behaviour and switching screens when you come near.
x owning mobile phones or devices they cannot account for x showing sympathy for extremist causes
x advocating extremist messages x glorifying violence
x accessing extremist literature and imagery
x showing a mistrust of mainstream media reports and belief in conspiracy theories
x appearing angry about governmental policies, especially foreign policy.
x Disclosures by pupils of their exposure to the extremist actions, views or materials of others outside of school, such as in their homes or community groups, especially where pupils have not actively sought these out.
x Graffiti symbols, writing or art work promoting extremist messages or images
x Pupils accessing extremist material online, including through social networking sites, whether at home or elsewhere
x Parental reports of changes in behaviour, friendship or actions and requests for assistance
x Pupils voicing opinions drawn from extremist ideologies and narratives x Use of extremist or ‘hate’ terms to exclude others or incite violence
x Intolerance of difference, whether secular or religious, in line with our equalities policy
x Comments made that indicate association with individuals or groups known for extreme or radical beliefs, teachings or actions
x Views expressed that dehumanise other groups of people or demonstrate a ‘them and us’ mentality
x Threats to harm others or a history or instances of violent behaviour x Access to weapons
As a member of staff, all have a legal duty to report any concerns, however minor to the designated PREVENT member of staff. At Read Academy, the designated staff are:
x Gulam Abbas Hussain – Headteacher
x Hanila Syed -Deputy Headteacher
Reports should be made using the ‘Safeguarding Concern’ form. The designated staff will then assess the risks to students and refer to CHANNEL (a multi-agency body linked to the police) who will respond if required.
Extremism will be covered in PSHE lessons, as well as in assemblies and during tutor time. A useful resource for further information is